Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cassee's Ears - Update 1

We went to an audiologist on Wed. She found the same results. After cleaning out Cassee's ears (which took almost an hour for both ears - thanks to Papa for having very small ear canals) the Audiologist did an ear drum test.
Cassee's ear drums didn't respond any better when clean vs. ful of wax. Therefore, we are now going to an ENT (ear, nose and throat doctor) to see what he has to say!
Hopefully this next week we will hear back from the articulation screening too.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cassee's Ears

We've had a speech screening for Cassee done for preschool this fall. She didn't pass the hearing tests (she's now had two). It could be why she doesn't annunciate her consonant sounds when she talks.
Tomorrow morning she has her articulation screening to see if she qualifies for the district preschool (FREE!) and in the afternoon she sees the audiologist at the hospital. (We were scheduled for the 4th of May, but today they had a cancellation for tomorrow!!)
We'll keep everyone updated on the "Hearing of Cassidee" Saga.