Monday, January 25, 2010

Cassee Outfits

Cassidee truly has her own way of how she wants to be dressed. I can only make her change to normal clothes when we actually leave the house. I won't take her otherwise.
She loves play dress up clothes, but she loves real clothes too, maybe even more. She just doesn't wear them appropriately all the time.

Today she is wearing a slip. She loves this slip and has worn it for the past week. (It came to us the night before Julia's wedding thank to Dorothy and Holly, who had outgrown it, to Emmalynn to wear under her dress. It now fits Cassee very well.) She wears it under her clothes, over her clothes, all by itself (quite often) and has worn it under her pj's the last few nights. She also loves to wear tights. She wore those black tights to church yesterday, all day long and to bed with her slip and nightgown. She hasn't taken them off yet today and it's already almost 4 o'clock pm.
You can't tell but she also has on a black and orange Halloween skirt under her slip. She's wearing a shirt over the top because she was complaining to me earlier that she was cold. Imagine that! I told her to put a shirt on and that's what she picked. How warm huh?
She also loves her white sandals that she got from Grandmama for her birthday last year. She would wear them everywhere if I would let her.
Here she is in her latest and greatest nightgown (from the Ryan's for Christmas, good job Dorothy).
If you look closely you can see the pink lip gloss that she applied all over Adam's head and hair. How nice for her to have someone to let her practice on them! I wonder how long he'll last as her practice dummy!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

"Someday my Prince will come..."

This morning Cassee started singing this song. When I tried to sing with her she said, "No, like this." And she sang it again swaying to the song with her arms also dancing to the song. She does love SnowWhite! (Sorry about the darkness. This was in my bedroom and our three light-bulbed fixture has two bulbs burned out! How many Joneses does it take to change a light bulb? Apparently more than the five that live here!!)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Grandma Mac

Cassee has found another grandma. And she loves her already.
A woman at church called and told me she has a little grandma school. She does it to spend time with her 3 year old granddaughter Claire (a little girl from church that Cassee plays with) while her 4 year old sister is at preschool. She just does it Friday mornings from 8:30 to 11:00 am. She has another little girl from church join as well whose grandmas also live far away.
Yesterday, Grandma Mac (McDaniel) called to invite Cassee to join her grandma school. Today Cassee went. They did puzzles, talked about snowmen and snow, made footprints in the snow and cut snowflakes with scissors. They also sing and have snacks too. Cassee had a lot of fun and is already calling this woman grandma. I'm so glad Cassee has a weekly outing now. She needs to play with friends and learn to talk better!